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What A Difference! -- Chronicle Online/The WORD 09/28/23

Weekly On-line Rabbi's D'var-Torah

September 28, 2023 13 Tishri SukkotWhat a difference a year makes! Last year at this time, thanks to COVID, I had just missed Yom Kippur Services for the first time in my life. The cantor had missed Rosh Hashanah services for the same reason. Mark Beatty—our shofar blower—couldn't attend on Rosh Hashanah either. The choir couldn't really sing because too many members had COVID. By comparison, this year could not have gone more smoothly. So many people contributed to a wonderful High Holiday experience with attendance very close to pre-COVID levels. I must give a special shout-out to Jeremy Markowitz who took care of so many details—both large and small —which enabled our services to run so smoothly. Mark Beatty and Phil Kantor once again made it possible for members of our community to be part of our services from home thanks to the wonders of modern technology. Our Security Committee ensured that we all felt safe in the building. And then of course, there were all the daveners, chanters, readers, speakers, and singers who made our services so beautiful. I'm afraid that if I try to list them all I will run out of space. So, let me just say "Yasher Ko'ach" to you all. For those who are interested, here are links to my two talks: For Kol Nidre, click here. For Yom Kippur Day, click here. So, now that the High Holidays are over, it's time for Sukkot, Simchat Torah, and Shemini Atzeret. Please join us! Shalom, RAF. PS - Yizkor will be on Saturday, October 7.

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